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for 2 violins, 2 violas, cello/double bass
Instrumentenset / set of parts
for 2 violins, 2 violas, cello/double bass
Partitur / score
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for One Singing Voice; with piano, flute and horn
Partitur und Stimmen (score+parts)
from: Six sonatas for the harpsichord, with accompaniment for a violin, op. 2
from: Six sonatas for the harpsichord, with accompaniment for a violin, op. 2
from: Six sonatas for the harpsichord, with accompaniment for a violin, op. 2
from: Six sonatas for the harpsichord, with accompaniment for a violin, op. 2
from: Six sonatas for the harpsichord, with accompaniment for a violin, op. 2
from: Six sonatas for the harpsichord, with accompaniment for a violin, op. 2
- INSTRUMENTENSET - (set of parts)
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- PARTITUR - (score)
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for pianoforte and violin
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für Piano-Forte / for pianoforte
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für Piano-Forte / for pianoforte
für Piano-Forte / for pianoforte
und Waldhorn oder Violoncello
Partitur und Stimmen (score+parts)
Liedtext von Friedrich v. Schiller
für Klavier in vier Sätzen / for piano in four movements
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(set of parts)
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Komisches Duett für zwei Bässe mit Begleitung des Pianoforte
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Komisches Duett für zwei Bässe mit Begleitung des Pianoforte
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